Java-basierte Mailinglisten-Anwendung, die auf IMAP+SMTP aufsetzt, und damit (fast) jede Mailbox in eine Mailingliste verwandeln kann.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Using docker is the easiest way!

If you already have docker up and running, all you need to start Widerhall is

  1. Download the Dockerfile
  2. Build the image: docker build -t widerhall /path-to-dockerfile/
  3. Start a container:
docker run \
    --name widerhall \
    -d widerhall

You should now be able to go to http:///

Configuration, data persistence

To keep data after restarts of your container, you need to mount a volume into the container:

docker run \
    --name widerhall \
    -v /some/directory:/data
    -d widerhall

Widerhall will create all persistent data in /data, resp. your volume:

  • widerhall.sqlite3 – this is the main database file. Keep it warm, keep it safe.
  • widerhall.config.json – this is the main config file, where you can overload the default settings.
  • archive – Stored mails will end up here.

Those files/directories will be created on the first start (or whenever you dropped them).

The config is structured as follows:

  • Alter the base_url to match your server settings.
  • If you want the database to be stored somewhere else, alter the database string.
  • If you change the configuration property, widerhall will overlaod it's configuation with whatever is found at the given location
  • If you want the archive to be stored somewhere else, alter the archive string.
  • base should point to the installation dir of Widerhall, which is /Widerhall by default

SSL termination

Widerhall tries to keep it simple. The built-in webserver does not know anything about SSL. If you want to keep a secure webiste, run Widerhall behind a reverse proxy, such as nginx_proxy.


Widerhall is a Java project built with Apache Maven. If you have a recent installation of java (17) and maven on your system, you should be able to

  1. get the sources: git clone
  2. change to the downloaded dir: cd Widerhall
  3. build the runnable jar: mvn clean test compile assembly:single
  4. execute the jar: java -jar target/*.jar


Widerhall`s translations are managed as branches of the source code:

  • main branch: english
  • lang_de branch: german

Just checkout the language branch you want.