@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
angle = 10; |
raise = 10; |
tunnel_w = 160; |
tunnel_h = 160; |
tunnel_t = 10; // tunnel thickness |
@ -5,19 +7,35 @@ tunnel_s = 40; // tunnel spacing: overlap for screws
@@ -5,19 +7,35 @@ tunnel_s = 40; // tunnel spacing: overlap for screws
door_t = 50; // door thickness |
plexy_t = 6; // thickness of plexy glass sheet |
gap = 1; // gap between parts moving relative to each other |
seal = 5; |
angle = 0; |
guide_h = 20; |
seal = 5; // thickness of seal. May be set to gap |
guide_h = 40; |
bearing_inner_dia = 10; |
bearing_outer_dia = 20; |
bearing_h = 5; |
stopper_h = 40; |
stopper_w = 30; |
space = bearing_outer_dia; // space between plexy glass sheets |
// calculations |
rad = 3*plexy_t/2; |
rad = (space+2*plexy_t)/2; |
sheet_h = tunnel_h-2*seal-rad; |
// colors |
plexy = [0.4,0.6,1,0.6]; |
red = [1,0,0]; |
green = [0,0.6,0]; |
silver = [0.7,0.7,0.7]; |
snow = [1,1,1,0.5]; |
wood = [0.8,0.3,0]; |
// constants |
$fn = 32; |
rx = [90,0,0]; // rotate 90 deg around x |
ry = [0,90,0]; // rotate 90 deg around y |
x = [1,0,0]; |
y = [0,1,0]; |
z = [0,0,1]; |
module door(){ |
color(wood) difference(){ |
cube([1000,door_t,2000],true); |
@ -33,30 +51,89 @@ module tunnel(){
@@ -33,30 +51,89 @@ module tunnel(){
color(snow)difference(){ |
union(){ |
tunnel_core(); |
translate([0,(door_t+tunnel_t)/2,0]) cube([tunnel_w+2*tunnel_s,tunnel_t,tunnel_h+2*tunnel_s],true); // krempe |
translate([0,(door_t+tunnel_t)/-2,0]) cube([tunnel_w+2*tunnel_s,tunnel_t,tunnel_h+2*tunnel_s],true); // krempe |
translate(-y*(door_t+tunnel_t)/2) cube([tunnel_w+2*tunnel_s,tunnel_t,tunnel_h+2*tunnel_s],true); // krempe |
translate( y*(door_t+tunnel_t)/2) cube([tunnel_w+2*tunnel_s,tunnel_t,tunnel_h+2*tunnel_s],true); // krempe |
} |
cube([tunnel_w,door_t+2*tunnel_t+2,tunnel_h],true); // loch |
} |
} |
module screw(){ |
rotate(x*90)cylinder(d=4,h=space+3*plexy_t,center=true); |
} |
module sheets(){ |
translate([0,-plexy_t,-sheet_h/2])cube([tunnel_w-2*seal,plexy_t,sheet_h],true); |
translate([0, plexy_t,-sheet_h/2])cube([tunnel_w-2*seal,plexy_t,sheet_h],true); |
difference(){ |
union(){ |
translate([0,(space+plexy_t)/2,-sheet_h/2])cube([tunnel_w-2*seal,plexy_t,sheet_h],true); |
translate([0, (plexy_t+space)/-2,-sheet_h/2])cube([tunnel_w-2*seal,plexy_t,sheet_h],true); |
} |
hull(){ |
translate(-z*(sheet_h+10)) rotate(ry) cylinder(d=bearing_outer_dia+2*gap,h=bearing_h+2*gap,center=true); |
translate(z*(bearing_outer_dia/2-sheet_h)) rotate(ry) cylinder(d=bearing_outer_dia+2*gap,h=bearing_h+2*gap,center=true); |
} |
} |
} |
module guide(){ |
a = guide_h-gap-10; |
b = 10+gap+stopper_w/2; |
translate([b, 0,a/2-sheet_h])cube([20,space,a],true); |
translate([-b, 0,a/2-sheet_h])cube([20,space,a],true); |
translate([0,0,guide_h/2-sheet_h])cube([10,plexy_t,guide_h],true); |
} |
module bearing_case(){ |
a = bearing_h/2+gap; |
rotate(ry) cylinder(d=bearing_inner_dia-gap,h=a); |
translate([a/2+stopper_w/4,0,stopper_h/2]) cube([stopper_w/2-a,space-2*gap,stopper_h],true); |
translate([(stopper_w/2+5)/2,0,stopper_h-5]) cube([stopper_w/2+5,space-2*gap,10],true); |
} |
module bearing(){ |
color(silver) |
rotate(ry) |
difference(){ |
cylinder(d=bearing_outer_dia,h=bearing_h,center=true); |
cylinder(d=bearing_inner_dia,h=bearing_h+2,center=true); |
} |
} |
module stopper(){ |
color(green) { |
bearing_case(); |
rotate(z*180)bearing_case(); |
} |
bearing(); |
} |
module flap(){ |
translate([0,0,(sheet_h-rad)/2]) rotate([angle,0,0]) union(){ |
b = 10+gap+stopper_w/2; |
translate(z*(sheet_h-rad)/2) rotate(x*angle) { |
difference(){ |
rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(d=3*plexy_t,h=tunnel_w-2*seal,center=true); |
rotate(y*90) cylinder(d=2*rad,h=tunnel_w-2*seal,center=true); |
sheets(); |
translate([tunnel_w/ 4,0,rad/-2])screw(); |
translate([tunnel_w/-4,0,rad/-2])screw(); |
} |
color(plexy)sheets(); |
color(plexy) difference(){ |
union(){ |
sheets(); |
guide(); |
} |
translate([b,0,5-sheet_h])screw(); |
translate([b,0,guide_h-15-gap-sheet_h])screw(); |
translate([-b,0,5-sheet_h])screw(); |
translate([-b,0,guide_h-15-gap-sheet_h])screw(); |
translate([tunnel_w/ 4,0,rad/-2])screw(); |
translate([tunnel_w/-4,0,rad/-2])screw(); |
} |
translate(z*(raise-sheet_h))stopper(); |
} |
} |
*door(); |
*tunnel(); |
door(); |
tunnel(); |
flap(); |