Welcome, «data.user.name»! You successfully subscribed to the "«data.list.name»" Mailing list! «if(data.open_list)» This is an open list. This means you may, at any time, send emails to «data.list.email.prefix»@«data.list.email.domain» and we will forward your mail to the other subscribers. «else» This is a moderated list. This means, you (and all other subscribers) will receive any mails sent by a moderator. However, if you write (answer) messages to the list, only the moderators will receive your mail. «endif» If you want to answer exclusively to the author of an email you received via the list, you may find the respective address in the head of the received email. If you wish to leave the list, you may, at any time, go to «data.url» and un-subscribe. best wishes, Stephan Richter (the software author)