10 changed files with 152 additions and 285 deletions
@ -1,95 +0,0 @@ |
/* RS 485-Implementierung, die sowohl Schreiben als auch Lesen kann */ |
/* Basis für andere Projekte */ |
#define BUTTON 2 |
#define RECEIVE 3 |
#define RECEIVE_ENABLE 4 |
#define SEND 5 |
#define SEND_ENABLE 6 |
#define MAX_LEN 128 |
void setup() { |
// Buttons connected to analog input lines
pinMode(A0,INPUT_PULLUP); |
pinMode(A1,INPUT_PULLUP); |
pinMode(A2,INPUT_PULLUP); |
pinMode(A3,INPUT_PULLUP); |
pinMode(A4,INPUT_PULLUP); |
pinMode(A5,INPUT_PULLUP); |
pinMode(A6,INPUT_PULLUP); |
pinMode(A7,INPUT_PULLUP); |
// Currently, all buttons are also connected via a diode to an interruptable pin, to notify on input changes.
// This interruptable pin should be assgined to BUTTON
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(BUTTON),button,FALLING); // interrupt for button change
// Set up pins for RS485 connection
pinMode(RECEIVE, INPUT); |
pinMode(SEND, OUTPUT); |
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(RECEIVE),receive,CHANGE); // interrupt for incoming RS485 traffic
reset485(); |
buttons = 0x0; |
} |
void button() { |
buttons = 0xFF ^ (digitalRead(A7)<<7 | digitalRead(A6)<<6 | digitalRead(A5)<<5 | digitalRead(A4)<<4 | digitalRead(A3)<<3 | (!digitalRead(A2))<<2 | digitalRead(A1)<<1 | digitalRead(A0));
} |
void receive(){ |
bool received_bit = digitalRead(RECEIVE); |
curr = micros(); |
duration = curr - last; |
Serial.print("Input switched to "); |
Serial.print(" after "); |
Serial.print(duration); |
Serial.println(" ticks"); |
last = curr; |
if (duration > MAX_TICKS) reset485(); |
received_bit = !received_bit; // received_bit is the current value, the duration of the previous value (=inverted) has been measured
duration /= BASE; |
while (duration > 0){ |
byte_idx--; |
recv |= received_bit<<byte_idx; |
if (byte_idx == 0) { |
msg[msg_idx] = recv; |
msg_idx++; |
byte_idx = 8; |
if (recv == 0x00) message_received(); |
} |
duration--; |
} |
} |
void reset485(){ |
byte_idx = 8; |
msg_idx = 0; |
recv=0x0; |
} |
void message_received(){ |
for (int i=0; i<MAX_LEN; i++) message[i]=msg[i]; |
reset485(); |
} |
void button_pressed(int i){ |
Serial.println("not implemented"); |
} |
void loop(){ |
if (buttons>0){ |
for (int i=0; i<7; i++){ |
if (buttons & (1<<i)) button_pressed(i);
} |
if (message[0] != 0x0){ |
Serial.print("Received '"); |
Serial.print(message); |
message[0] = 0x0; |
} |
} |
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ |
// Für Controllino könnte man benutzen: sRx = 20, sTx = 21, enable = 53
int sTx = 2; |
int sRx = 3; |
long base = 100; |
long rst = base*10; // reset
boolean bt = false; |
long dif = 0; |
long lt = 0; |
long now = 0; |
char rcv = 0; |
int idx = 0; |
String message; |
void setup(){ |
pinMode(sRx,INPUT); |
pinMode(sTx,OUTPUT); |
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(sRx),change485,CHANGE); |
Serial.println("Receiver ready"); |
} |
void reset485(long dif){ |
rcv = 0; |
idx = -1; |
message.reserve(32); |
} |
void change485(){ |
bool bt = digitalRead(sRx); |
now = micros(); |
dif = now - lt; |
lt = now; |
if (dif > rst){ |
reset485(dif); |
} else { |
handle485(!bt,dif); |
} |
} |
void handle485(boolean bt, long dif){ |
long count = dif/base; |
for (int i=0; i<count; i++) push485(bt); |
} |
void push485(boolean bt){ |
if (idx>=0) rcv |= bt<<idx; |
idx++; |
if (idx == 8){ |
if (rcv == 13) { |
Serial.println(message); |
message = ""; |
} else { |
message+=rcv; |
idx =0; |
rcv =0; |
} |
} |
void loop(){} |
@ -1,129 +0,0 @@ |
// Breadboard
//int enable = 2;
//int sTx = 4;
//int sRx = 5;
// RS485-Nano Revision 1.0
int enable = 9; |
int sTx = 8; |
int sRx = 3; |
// Für Controllino könnte man benutzen: sRx = 20, sTx = 21, enable = 53
int in1 = 4; // o
int in2 = 5; // |o
int in3 = 6; // ||o
int in4 = 7; // |||o
// ↓↓↓↓
int irq = 2;// ←++++
long base = 1000; |
int id = 0; |
int baud = 115200; |
char c; |
int counter = 0; |
bool reg1=false,reg2=false,reg3=false,reg4=false; |
void setup(){ |
pinMode(A0,INPUT); |
id = analogRead(A0); |
pinMode(enable,OUTPUT); |
digitalWrite(enable,LOW); |
pinMode(sTx,OUTPUT); |
digitalWrite(sTx,LOW); |
pinMode(in1,INPUT); |
pinMode(in2,INPUT); |
pinMode(in3,INPUT); |
pinMode(in4,INPUT); |
pinMode(irq,INPUT); |
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(irq),interrupt,RISING); |
pinMode(sRx,INPUT); |
Serial.print("Baud rate set to "); |
Serial.println(baud); |
Serial.print("Initialized Arduino #"); |
Serial.println(id); |
} |
void interrupt(){ |
Serial.println("Interrupt"); |
reg1 = digitalRead(in1); |
reg2 = digitalRead(in2); |
reg3 = digitalRead(in3); |
reg4 = digitalRead(in4); |
} |
bool sendBit(bool bt){ |
digitalWrite(sTx,bt); |
delayMicroseconds(80); |
if (digitalRead(sTx) != bt) return false; |
delayMicroseconds(base-80); |
return true; |
} |
bool sendChar(char c){ |
return sendBit(c & 0x01) |
&& sendBit(c & 0x02) |
&& sendBit(c & 0x04) |
&& sendBit(c & 0x08) |
&& sendBit(c & 0x10) |
&& sendBit(c & 0x20) |
&& sendBit(c & 0x40) |
&& sendBit(c & 0x80); |
} |
bool sendString(String s){ |
Serial.print("Sending '"+s+"'…"); |
boolean busy = false; |
for (int i = 0; i<11; i++){ |
if (!digitalRead(sRx)) { |
if (!busy){ |
Serial.print("busy…"); |
busy = true; |
} |
i = 0; // wait for free line
} |
delayMicroseconds(base); |
} |
digitalWrite(enable,HIGH); |
bool success = sendBit(0); // erste Flanke erzeugen
if (success) { |
for (char c : s){ |
if (!sendChar(c)){ |
success = false; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
success = success && sendChar(13); |
success = success && sendBit(1); // letzte Flanke erzeugen
digitalWrite(enable,LOW); |
Serial.println(success ? "success" : "failed"); |
return success; |
} |
void loop(){ |
if (reg1){ |
reg1 = false; |
sendString("t:02:01"); |
} |
if (reg2){ |
reg2 = false; |
sendString("t:02:02"); |
} |
if (reg3){ |
reg3 = false; |
sendString("t:02:03"); |
} |
if (reg4){ |
reg4 = false; |
sendString("t:02:04"); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
* Demonstrates how to use LCDisplay in conjunction with SoftRS485: |
* |
* The main _loop_ of this program listens on the RS485 bus. |
* Whenever a message is received from the bus, it is displayed on the LCD. |
*/ |
// include the library code:
#include <LiquidCrystal.h> |
#include <SoftRS485.h> |
#define Max485_RO 3 // read-output of Max485
#define Max485_RE 5 // not-read-enable of Max485
#define Max485_DE 9 // data enable of Max485
#define Max485_DI 8 // data input of Max485
#define LCD_RS 4 |
#define LCD_EN 6 |
#define LCD_D4 7 |
#define LCD_D5 11 |
#define LCD_D6 12 |
#define LCD_D7 13 |
// initialize the library by associating any needed LCD interface pin with the arduino pin number it is connected to
LiquidCrystal lcd(LCD_RS, LCD_EN, LCD_D4, LCD_D5, LCD_D6, LCD_D7); |
void setup() { |
Serial.begin(115200); |
init485(Max485_RO,Max485_RE,Max485_DE,Max485_DI); // library initialization:
invert485polarity(true); |
// set up the LCD's number of columns and rows:
lcd.begin(16, 2); |
// Print a message to the LCD.
Serial.println("LCDReceive 1.2"); |
lcd.print("LCDReceive 1.2"); |
} |
void loop() { |
if (available485()) { |
String s = get485message(); |
Serial.println(s); |
lcd.clear(); |
lcd.setCursor(0, 0); |
lcd.print(s); |
if (s.length()>16) { |
lcd.setCursor(0, 1); |
s=s.substring(16); |
s.trim(); |
lcd.print(s); |
} |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ |
* Demonstrates how to use LCDisplay in conjunction with SoftRS485: |
* |
* The main _loop_ of this program listens on the RS485 bus. |
* Whenever a message is received from the bus, it is displayed on the LCD. |
*/ |
// include the library code:
#include <SoftRS485.h> |
#define PROGRAM "RS485-Nano 2.0.1" |
#define BTN_INT 2 // button interrupt pin
#define Max485_RO 3 // read-output of Max485
#define Max485_RE 5 // not-read-enable of Max485
#define Max485_DE 9 // data enable of Max485
#define Max485_DI 8 // data input of Max485
#define TRESHOLD 100000 // 100ms
#define ID 0 |
// 0=Test
// 1=Arbeitszimmer
// 2=Küche
// 3=Bad
//#define LOG_TO_SERIAL
#define SEND_485 |
boolean states[8]; |
unsigned long times[8]; |
void setup() { |
Serial.begin(115200); |
init485(Max485_RO,Max485_RE,Max485_DE,Max485_DI); // library initialization:
pinMode(14,INPUT_PULLUP); |
pinMode(15,INPUT_PULLUP); |
pinMode(16,INPUT_PULLUP); |
pinMode(17,INPUT_PULLUP); |
pinMode(18,INPUT_PULLUP); |
pinMode(19,INPUT_PULLUP); |
pinMode(20,INPUT_PULLUP); |
pinMode(21,INPUT_PULLUP); |
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(2),isr,CHANGE); |
// Print a message to the LCD.
Serial.println(PROGRAM); |
#ifdef LOG_TO_SERIAL |
Serial.println("14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21"); |
#endif |
} |
void isr(){ |
states[0] = !digitalRead(14); |
states[1] = !digitalRead(15); |
states[2] = !digitalRead(16); |
states[3] = !digitalRead(17); |
states[4] = !digitalRead(18); |
states[5] = !digitalRead(19); |
states[6] = !(analogRead(20)>200); |
states[7] = !(analogRead(21)>200); |
#ifdef LOG_TO_SERIAL |
for (int i=0;i<8;i++){ |
Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(states[i]); Serial.print(" "); |
} |
Serial.println(); |
#endif |
} |
#ifdef SEND_485 |
void send(int btn){ |
String s = "{nano:"+String(ID)+",btn:"+String(btn)+"}"; |
for (int i = 0; i<10; i++){
if (send485(s.c_str())) break; |
Serial.println("collision detected, trying again:"); |
} |
} |
#endif |
void loop(){ |
unsigned long now = micros(); |
for (int i=0;i<8;i++){ |
if (states[i]){ |
if (now - times[i] > TRESHOLD){ |
#ifdef SEND_485 |
send(i+1); |
#endif |
times[i] = now; |
} |
states[i] = 0; |
} |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue